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Sisters' Camelot Volunteer Sign up Page


Tuesday Food Share 6/7/22

  • Tuesday, June 07, 2022
  • 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Walker Church 3104 16th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407
  • 0


Registration is closed

We’re very thankful that recently we’ve been able to occasionally fill all volunteer shifts for food shares. Our expectation is that all volunteers stay the entire shift until all the food is distributed and the location is cleaned. When individuals leave early this puts a heavier responsibility on those that stay until the end. Therefore, if you are not able to help the entire food share please wait until the morning of the food share to sign up to give an opportunity to those that can commit to the entire shift. Please also note any time restrictions on your Wild Apricot signup.

TRUCK DELAYS:Occasionally the truck arrival is running behind due to delays at the warehouse, poor weather or mechanical issues. We will continue to try to notify volunteers as soon as we hear this information. Please make sure you have a phone number or email address so that we can reach you. 

COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS: Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer on arrival. Do not join us if you, a roommate or significant other is having viral symptoms. Face mask use is mandatory. Please come wearing a facial covering. Keep it covering both your mouth and nose. If you need to take your mask down to have a snack or drink, please go at least 6 feet away from anyone before lowering your mask. Our expectation is that every person joining us signs up online before arriving at the food share. Make sure to include your contact information. It’s very important we have this information so that if there is a COVID-19 exposure we can notify everyone that was present and assist in contact tracing. Do not sign up as “anonymous” as this prevents us from doing contact tracing. Each guest must register independently. If you become symptomatic within 3 days of attending a food share immediately notify the collective with this information.We recommend you get tested if you start to have symptoms and immediately start quarantining per CDC recommendations. Friends, family and co-workers are welcome to join. We love guests and are always looking for new volunteers.

Please email the collective with any questions at If you need to cancel your shift you can do so independently directly on the Wild Apricot or you can email the collective if you prefer. Thank you everyone for your dedication and hard work. 

Sisters’ Camelot

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