Sisters' Camelot Volunteer Sign up Page
Our daily volunteer maximum is 15 volunteers. All volunteer spots will be "first-come-first serve.” Please make sure you are filling out your name when you sign up so we can see who is joining us.It is very important to sign up online so if we have a COVID-19 exposure we can notify everyone present. Friends, family and co-workers are welcome to join. We love guests and are always looking for new volunteers. Please have each guest register independently online. Age 13 and up only please!
Please wash your hands in the bathroom on arrival. Do not join us if you, a roommate or significant other is having viral symptoms. Face mask use is mandatory. Please come wearing a facial covering. Keep it covering both your mouth and nose. If you need to take your mask down to have a snack or drink, please go at least 6 feet away from anyone before lowering your mask.
We are always collecting paper bags and ziplock bags to save for food shares. Bring them to any food share and we will set the bags aside for use or storage. Please email the collective with any questions or with cancellations at
Thank you :)